Put in your Username and click on the Reset your Password button on the Log In page.  This will trigger the web site to email a temporary password to you.  If you forget your Username you will need to contact the Webmaster to have it send it to you.  Please try to create a Username that you will not likely forget.  If you do forget or lose your Username, that is not a big deal either so no worry, just email the Webmaster.


Go to the HOME page and near the bottom click on TO JOIN OR RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP.


Checking the club Calendar and reading the Newsletters are several keys to staying informed.   The Calendar can be found on the News & Info tab. There is also a link to the Calendar on the Home page.  Checking your email frequently and then reading the Newsletters emailed to you will let you know details about upcoming Exhibits, Competitions, Workshops and Field Trips. 

Remember to always "log in" to the web site.  Otherwise you will only be able to access information we allow the public to view.  To see all member information you must be logged in!


Go to My Account and add your phone number and address information if you desire.  Be SURE to update your email address immediately if it changes as that is our way of communicating with you!  This is also where you update your password if you wish to change it.

In your "My Account" there are also two items you will likely use:  your "My Image Library" and your "My Gallery".   So lets talk about these two items.  

"My Image Library" is where you can put some images onto the web site that you may later wish to share with others.  However when you put images into your Library only you can see them.  You keep them there until you want to do something  with them such as enter them into a competition or you want to create your "Gallery" to share with others.   

"My Gallery" is where you put some images you want to share with others.  Typically you load the images from your Library into the Gallery you are creating.   Once you create your gallery it must be approved by the webmaster.  So send an email to the webmaster saying you have a gallery waiting approval.  The webmaster will review the gallery and if your images meet club requirements it will be approved.  

There are a number of short Videos that you may benefit you greatly to look at.  Click on the web site's Help button and go gown to Videos and there you will find videos on a number of subjects to help you on a number of subjects.  There as pretty much "priceless" for your learning about the website.   The ones on creating your Library and Gallery will show you how easy all this really is.  


If you are having problems take a look at the Video listings that can be seen from the Help tab.  These will likely answer your questions but if not email the webmaster.  To get the webmaster email address go to:  News & Info > Contact Us.   Hover your mouse over the name and look for the email address of that person on the left bottom of the page.  


Read the comments above about WEB SITE "videos" as the videos should make it pretty easy for you to share your images with members and your friends.   You will see when you create your Gallery that you have options as to whom you wish to share your images by clicking on the box that you so desire.




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