Meeting Location:

Unitarian Universalist Congregation

4313 Lake Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403

MAP to this location

Unitarian Universalist Congregation is located across from Roland-Grise Middle School.  For most, access is easiest off South College at the traffic light at Lake Avenue on the West side and Long Leaf Park on the East Side.  Some may choose to get to Lake Avenue from 41st Street.



General Membership Meetings - Public is invited:

General Membership Meetings are open to the public.  Time and dates are shown on the web site Calendar.

Competitions - Public is invited (but may not compete): 

Competitions are open to the public BUT ONLY MEMBERS are eligible to enter images for competition.  Time and dates are shown on the web site Calendar.  

Workshops - for members only:

Workshops are NOT open to the public.  Time and dates may only be seen on the web site Calendar by members who are logged in. 

Field Trips - for members only:

Field Trips are NOT open to the public.  Time and dates may only be seen on the web site Calendar by members who are logged in.   



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