Below is a reproduction of the Mentoring Request Form, a copy of which can be  downloaded under the "News & Info" tab at "Documents and Files to Download" (HERE). (Please note that the form shown below cannot be directly filled out, it must be downloaded.)  Alternatively, you can provide ALL the needed information via email sent to Mentoring Chair, Stan Washlesly.  Select Stan in the club email system "Send E-mail to Members" under the "Members" dropdown.



Mentoring Request Form

Cape Fear Camera Club

Please specify the mentoring support you would like as specifically as possible. This will improve the odds of finding the right mentor for you.


Your Name

What camera and/or other equipment will you be using?

Describe the knowledge that you wish to be mentored on. What type of photography? What type of skill? Etc. (Review the Skills and Equipment Database Questionnaire for ideas of the types of things that you should address in your description here.) Be specific!

When would you be available for mentoring? Any restrictions?

Your contact information Phone Number
Email Address

Forward this form to the Mentoring Chair as noted above (AND the Skills and Equipment Database Questionnaire, if you have not already done so). Alternately, hand this to the Mentoring Chair at a club function.

You will be contacted by a Committee member in no more than a week from the time your request is submitted.

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